Question: I would like to have information on the storing and culture of tuberoses. Mine make a healthy growth, but only about one out of 25 blooms. Mrs. P.R.S., Indiana.
Answer: The tuberose in most respects is of the easiest culture with practically no enemies or diseases. It is a tropical from Mexico and should be dug and stored before freezing weather. Its blooming habits are rather uncertain, but if mature tubers are planted in late May they should be blooming by August. Offsets will not bloom the first year. If you have been dividing or planting the offsets from the mature tubers this would account for the scarcity of bloom. Use good tubers, plant in light rich soil in May, dig the tubers in September and store them in a warm dry place. Plant only good sized tubers that show evidence of growth and discard those that show no signs of life in the spring.