Question: I have a four year old mock orange bush which has never had buds… we protect it in the winter and fertilize as directed. Can you advise? AG., Michigan.
Answer: In general the mock orange is a reliable bloomer and does well in any moderately fertile soil when given sufficient light. Pruning is important, especially with the new hybrid varieties. Immediately after the blooming season a few of the oldest canes should be removed at the ground level. The new growths may be tipped back a little if they are getting too long. The flowers are formed on wood of the previous year; therefore long new canes of one year wood make the desired type of growth. In spring small side shoots put forth from this last year’s wood and on these the bloom buds form. Older wood produces very few flowering branches. If the new wood is being winter killed or is being pruned away this may account for the lack of bloom.