Although gardening is an excellent hobby, sometimes you’ll run into challenges along the way. For instance, the soil in your yard may not be suited for the plants that you want to grow. Maybe you live in an apartment, and you don’t even have a yard to begin with. Or perhaps, you’re getting overwhelmed dealing […]
Plant Fruits This Fall
Fall is a good time to plant fruits. Trees and bushes set out during the autumn months will start growth early the following spring – just as soon as weather conditions are favorable and usually before it is feasible to do any spring planting. Thus, fruits planted in the fall get off to a quicker […]
Learning To Root Cuttings From The Neighbor Who Knew Nothing About Gardening
I once had a neighbor who claimed she didn’t know a thing about gardening. However, she seemed to make things grow by just sticking them in the ground. Then, by chance, I learned her secret. One day I saw her turn an empty fruit jar over a rose cutting, and I knew. Six months later, […]
How I Started Growing Plants
I came as a bride to a new little bungalow set down in the middle of a barren plot. Even the topsoil had been taken away, The packet of zinnia seeds which I planted hopefully in the hard, gravelly ground came up scantily and then stood still in a dejected row. “If I had just […]
Herbs to Enhance Your Cooking A Garden Feature
Today’s homemaker grows herbs in a geometric-patterned garden as modern as her modern kitchen. Like her old-world ancestors she knows the joy of herb-flavored foods and in planting herbs achieves a landscape effect as interesting as her great-grandmother’s knot garden. She segregates rampant varieties in individual plant wells for minimal maintenance; she selects a sunny […]
A Trip Through Garden Centers
At least once a year I like to take a day off and visit garden centers. Early this summer I took myself and and went to neighboring garden center, within easy commuting distance and still retains some of the “country” atmosphere. The garden centers serving these homeowners are among the largest in the East. They […]
Beautiful Blueberry Crop – Birds Win
Seventeen years ago I decided to grow blueberries. Several hundred large shrubs were obtained and successfully transplanted. In order to send all the strength possible into the root system, the plants were cut to six-inch stubs. The first year’s growth was excellent, each bush recovering about half the normal size. For the second year, it […]