I had to have a greenhouse. I had wanted one ever since as a little fellow it smelled good and felt good just to be in a greenhouse. Ah, many were the reasons I wanted one. I wanted to propagate my own azaleas, to raise all the plants and shrubs for my garden. I wanted […]
Blooming Lilies In Our Home Greenhouse
Lilies, potted in September and October made a terrific show of color in our greenhouse last year. For a number of years, we have grown the usual varieties of Lilium longiflorum along with some of the hardies like auratum and regal. But it wasn’t until we added some of the newer hybrids to the old […]
Home Greenhouse An Unusual Location
Selecting a location for a greenhouse that will be both sunny and convenient is often a difficult problem. Sometimes there is just no suitable ground site, but a flat roof or porch deck provides an ideal spot. That’s the way it is frequently worked out in city and suburban areas, where land for gardening is […]
Aluminum Greenhouse – Low Maintenance Growing
Aluminum greenhouses are nothing new to gardeners. In fact, they are being used quite extensively in many parts of the world. What makes an aluminum greenhouse different from steel and wooden houses? Simply, an aluminum frame means no rust, no rot, and no paint. Moreover, fungus diseases and insects cannot hide in aluminum. Also, the […]
Tips On Dressing Up Your Home Greenhouse
Question: Our home greenhouse has been a great place to relax and enjoy nature. However, I have 2 questions. The first is, currently we only have small pea rock down on the floor and wondering if we should put down some brick or flagstone as well to “dress things up” (secretly I want a small […]
Take A Look Inside The September Greenhouse
Fill your greenhouse with flowering chrysanthemums this month. If you did not start your own plants on time, buy some potted ones in flower so you won’t miss out on a vivid fall display. Plan ahead for winter bloom by sowing seeds. For a cool winter greenhouse (45 to 50 degrees at night), start laceflower, […]
September Is Big Greenhouse Month – No End For Flowers Galore
September is a big month for the greenhouse gardener who is economy minded. It offers no end of opportunity for flowers galore from a small investment in seed and bulbs. Time is of the essence, however, since conditions favorable to germination and good growth of young plants have again returned. Temperatures are lower and the […]
The August Home Greenhouse – What To Do?
It’s not too early to get seeds and cuttings started for a good show in the greenhouse next fall and winter. Now, with everything flourishing in the garden, it is hard to realize how slow plant growth can be during the short sunless days of November and December. Plants started this month will be well […]
The August Home Greenhouse – New Plants Easy From Cuttings
Flowering shrubs are a welcome addition to any greenhouse. They have blooms over a long period of time and foliage that is very attractive after the flowers are gone. Even though you specialize in single plants such as camellias, carnations. African violets, orchids or ornamental foliage plants, a few shrubs grown along with your favorites […]
The Home Greenhouse – July Geraniums Calling
July is the month in the greenhouse to clean things up, plants some seeds and do some propagation… but which plants do you focus on?