Swiss Cheese Plant For dramatic effect and simplicity of of care, or as a source of continuous pleasure, there are few house plants that can compare with the split-leaf philodendron or, more properly, the Monstera deliciosa. It is hard for me to believe, now, that it is only three years ago that I was completely […]
African Violet – Beautiful Foliage No Flowers
Question: How can I make my African violet bloom? It has beautiful foliage but no flowers.” Answer: One answer to this prevalent plea is to grow the saintpaulia (African Violet) in a plastic globe. The globe comes apart into two hemispheres so a plant in a pot may easily be set inside – basically a […]
Annuals In Your Window – Secret To Success
Raising flowering annuals indoors is so simple that we wonder why it took so long for us to discover it. If you have a sunny window you can do it too; you don’t need special window glass or a fancy planting box. The blooms may not achieve greenhouse perfection, but they are colorful on the […]
Men Talk About Favorite House Plants
Umbrella Plant We have a large, old-fashioned bay window that faces south, and it presents a somewhat tropical appearance during the Autumn, Winter and early Spring months. Large pots containing plants of Curculigo capitulate, giant maranta, Hoya carnosa, Aspidistra elatior variegate and Cyperus altermfolius furnish a foliage setting. Begonias, geraniums, Impatiens sulkini, primulas, coleus and […]
For Real Houseplant Beauty Grow Gloxinias!
Gloxinias, to my mind, are the most strikingly attractive and most nearly perfect of all houseplants. In fact, by comparison with them, many popular houseplants seem hardly worth growing at all! For color, size and number of their flowers, they have few if any rivals, and for overall appearance of the plant they stand second […]
Grape Ivy – An Ideal House Plant
Grape Ivy Living as I do in a house with a hot air heating system and its resultant dry atmosphere, any plant that will tolerate these conditions for two or three months is bound to be a favorite. One plant that will take a beating – hot or cold, wet or dry, sun or shade […]
The Rex Begonia – A Favorite House Plant
Not only for their handsome foliage, but because they present a challenge to the ability of the grower, the varieties of rex begonia (the King’s begonia) are my favorite house plants. If conditions do not suit them, they go dormant all Winter, but my gas-free, steam-heated sun porch facing the south provides a warm humid […]
Old Time Favorites Newer African Violets Remembered
If you can grow an African violet successfully without getting the urge to start a collection, you ought to be psychoanalyzed. You’re different!” We normal people. start with one lone saintpaulia, but six months later we have a dozen sturdy plants, which we proudly rooted in water. After a year, the house begins to look […]
Try These Challenging House Plants
Unusual house plants, especially those which require rather exacting treatments, are a challenge to the veteran grower of indoor plants. Perhaps you are one of those who have become a bit bored by the humdrum of routine watering, potting and puttering around with the rather commonplace ivies, cacti, rubber plants, Sanserierias, ferns and african violets. […]
Interesting House Plants For You To Try
Alternanthera This colorful, little Alternanthera is a lovely foliage plant having narrow lanceolate leaves. It makes a very effective edging plant, its leaves, variegated with crimson, pink, green, brown, orange and carmine, in some respects, resembling our brilliant Autumn leaves. Perhaps it is most often seen as an edging or ribbon border and for carpet […]