You would hardly consider a 40-foot tree-fern a possibility for your living-room. But many have found the fernwood containers and slabs made from its fibrous trunk most attractive for growing house plants. The cibotium tree-fern which grows in the rain forest of Hawaii – primarily on the high slopes of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea […]
Orchids In An Apartment
When we tell our friends that we grow orchids they look at us with pity. as if to say, “It’s only temporary insanity – they’ll get over it.” For we are not country dwellers blessed with a greenhouse and the ideal conditions supposedly necessary for growing these exotic plants. We live in a New York […]
Orchid Bloom Sheath Forming
Maybe only an Orchid hobbyist will fully appreciate this – but this is what happened to me. Several years ago I bought an orchid plant in the fall for a couple of dollars at a bargain sale. It grew nicely and developed several leaves, each with a sheath. By spring I was rather disgusted because […]