Crown of Thorns Many, I know, will acidly quote, “each to his taste,” at my choice of favorite house plant, but let them show me another plant that can stand such abuse and return such beauty and character of form, color and interest as this vegetable “barbed wire” – crown of thorns, Euphorbia aplendens. Brought […]
Achimenes, Old Time Favorite Blooming into Popularity
The lovely and colorful Achimenes, profiting by the current wave of popularity of the Saintpaulias, sister genus of the valuable and interesting Gesneraceae, is fast taking a warm and roomy place in the hearts of the American flower lover and plant hobbyist. In this it is already outstripping the efforts of the trade to keep […]
Gloxinias Are For Everyone Number 2 To African Violet
There was a time the only house plant to gain more popularity than the gloxinia was the African violet. A popularity poll made it the number two house plant in the country, a distinction which this most spectacular member in the gesneriad family richly deserves. Gloxinias were discovered in 1785 and named in honor of […]
Anyone Can Grow These House Plants
The origin of the belief that some homes are not suited to house plant culture is difficult to explain. Consider the case of the aspidistra. This old-fashioned foliage plant has been nicknamed the cast-iron plant because apparently it rates the No. 1 spot among plants having a reputation for ruggedness and ability to survive under […]
Brighten Your Window With Gloxinias
If you want color on your windowsill, try growing gloxinias. No other house plants can provide the interesting variations and color range of the new gloxinia hybrids, and no other plants will reward you so handsomely for the small effort it takes to flower them. Their colors run the gamut from delicate orchid pink to […]
When Your House Plant Steps Outside
Don’t hide houseplant away, use them boldly as part of your garden scene.
Tree Fern Pots and Slabs
You would hardly consider a 40-foot tree-fern a possibility for your living-room. But many have found the fernwood containers and slabs made from its fibrous trunk most attractive for growing house plants. The cibotium tree-fern which grows in the rain forest of Hawaii – primarily on the high slopes of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea […]
How To Grow Achimenes Plant – Light, Soil, Bulbs, Rhizomes an Flowers
Summary: The Achimenes plant is related to the African Violet, grows from bulbs or rhizomes and provides flowers for a long period of time. Learn about the growing and care of this charming under known gem – the Achimenes plant. The modern hybrid Achimenes bear little resemblance to the species originally transferred from tropical America […]
3 Plants For A Sunny Room
Summary: Areas with lots of light may not be window garden per se, but areas with lots of bright light make room for plants which will do well indoors and provide some unique looks. Some plants growing in a window garden want a sunny window, others want dry conditions and a little neglect. For a […]
Window Gardening – Cactus A Favorite
Summary: Cactus make for wonderful plants in a window garden. Small plants can pack a punch in producing some exquisite blooms and an array of colors. Do you have an Easter Lily Cactus in your window garden collection? It is one of my favorite cacti. The immense white trumpet-shaped flowers, which run eight to twelve […]