For the most bloom with the least care over the longest period of time, my favorite flowering landscape plant I choose the double flowering balsama greatly improved version of the old-fashioned single flower called Garden Balsam, Touch-Me-Not and Lady’s Slipper.
Balsam (Impatiens balsamina) has beautiful camellia type double blooms shading from deep to pastel colors to pure white. They are set on clean, almost transparent stems with just the right amount of foliage.
Seed germinates readily. Our garden soil is sandy loam and the plants love it, in sun or shade, but do best with plenty of moisture. They grow rapidly and begin blooming when only a few inches tall and continue to flower until they grow as high as 18 or 24 inches.
It is an easy plant to grow, one that’s not bothered with pests or insects, transplants easily even when in full bloom and flourishes from early summer until killed by frost.
I set plants over early blooming bulbs, here and there among late blooming perennials and place some by doorways and along walks. Any place that needs color immediately is taken care of by balsam I lift a blooming plant and decorate the drab spot with it.
Balsam is not only good in the garden but makes fine arrangements that last several days.
by VC, Ark.