Neoregelia Antigua – comes from our in house breeding program. As with most Neoregelias it isn’t very tall only reaching 11 inches in height. The foliage as it matures slowly colors to a burgundy and is highlighted with a rose colored center.
Aechmea ‘Volcano’
Aechmea ‘Volcano’ – is a new cultivar of Aechmea ramosa. When Volcano begins to flower a tight, red bloom erupts out of the center of the medium green foliage. Reaching a size of 24 high and wide it’s a real eye-catcher.
Aechmea ‘Marcelino’
Aechmea ‘Marcelino’ – is a Bullis Bromeliad hybrid for the landscape. South Florida is always in need of colorful foliage and blooms. Marcelino reaches a height of 48 inches with burgundy foliage that is covered with the so common “silver powder” of Aechmeas.
Neoregelia Fireball ‘Donger’
Neoregelia Fireball ‘Donger’ (P) – is a patented Neo which can be used in the landscape or interior. This albo-marginate stands about 11 inches tall and 25 inches wide. The outer edges of the leaves are pink with a dark burgundy mid-rib.
Aechmea ‘Peggy’
Aechmea ‘Peggy’ – is a new cultivar of Aechmea ramosa The bright banana colored bloom sits atop a green rosette of foliage and is perfect for the interior or landscape. Peggy can reach 24 inches in height and width.
Araeococcus Flavifloius
Araeococcus Flavifloius – is a unique looking Bromeliad… it resembles grass. It’s also a good plant to use in a hanging basket. Overall the plant reaches about 20 inches tall. When it flowers it produces a wonderful mass of long lasting berries that are held on soft pink stems.
Neoregelia Fireball
Neoregelia Fireball – is a real old-timer. Generally you’ll find it used as a small plant in arrangements or as one of the supporting cast in a Bromeliad tree. But you’ll also find it right at home in a large mass of “fireballs” when its maroon foliage is grown in bright sun.
Hohenbergia Stallata
Hohenbergia Stallata – is a long-time landscape favorite that reaches 48 inches overall. The foliage is green and the plant pups readily. Sitting on top of the light green foliage is a long-lasting tall pink bloom which matures to a deep red over time.
Hohenbergia Castellanosii
Hohenbergia Castellanosii – is another excellent Bromeliad for the landscape. Its large broad leaves of lime green are accented by the red “painting” that cover the last quarter of the leaf tips. Reaching 32 by 32 inches it follows in the landscape tradition of its cousin Hohenber.
Androlepis Skinerii
Androlepis Skinerii – is a long-time landscape favorite and one of the first to be used as a stand alone specimen in the intense full sun of the south Florida landscape. This 36 by 36 inch beauty has large, wide leaves that turn from a rose to bronze color.
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