September Is Fall-planting Time as we welcome cooler weather and Autumn rains we should take advantage of both to do our Fall planting. First of all come the Spring flowering bulbs. Narcissus, scillas, crocus, grape hyacinths and other small bulbs need to be put in early in order to give them time enough to develop […]
Selecting The Proper Tools for Pruning
Ever try to cut off a limb of a tree with a carpenter’s saw? If the limb was small or dead, you probably didn’t encounter many serious difficulties, but if it, was reasonably good-sized and green you had a tussle on your hands. Better use a pruning saw next time – the job will seem […]
The Pleasures of Outdoor Living
This charming corner of a city garden in San Francisco, located behind a Victorian house, is evidence enough of what thoughtful planning can achieve. At this time of year when leisure is sometimes made imperative by the weather, the importance and full meaning of a garden comes sharply into focus. Your garden and mine can […]
West Coast Gardening
On the West Coast there is increased interest in adventitious gardening. If you take to casual gardening for reasons of economy, scarcity of help or even from preference, you will find it’s an intriguing game to grow an assortment of plants which can pretty much take care of themselvesÑplants you like and ones that enjoy […]
August Pointers… Tips for the Northern Gardeners
One of nature’s beneficences is the resurgent growth of grass in late summer and autumn when nights become cool and the soil gathers more moisture. This is the most opportune time for making or renovating the lawn. Weeds are less active, too. Perhaps two of the greatest obstacles to a successful lawn are weeds and […]
Plants and Birds
Seventeen years ago I decided to grow blueberries. Several hundred large shrubs were obtained and successfully transplanted. In order to send all the strength possible into the root system, the plants were cut to six-inch stubs. The first year’s growth was excellent, each bush recovering about half the normal size. For the second year, it […]
Death Knell For Weeds – Circa 1952
I enjoy looking back at plant history and seeing how things have changed. Weeds continue to be a battle almost 60 years later. Here is an article published in 1952 to show what they were doing back then. Weeds – man’s opponent since he first grew crops—are loosing the fight. With the discovery of 2-4-D […]
Hedge Tea and Tea Rose Hybrid Truths
Question: I have been told that when the field hedge rose was planted near a hybrid tea rose that the hybrid tea blossoms reverted back to a single wild rose in form, but retained their hybrid color. Could this happen? RG, Wisconsin Answer: Your hybrid tea rose will not be changed in any manner by […]
Quack Grass and Bermuda
Question: Our Bermuda lawn is being taken by quack grass. Is there any way of getting rid of this weed without carefully removing every bit of it? Is it true that it grows only in acid soil? RH, Oklahoma Answer: Quack grass is one of the worst pests in the lawn or garden. Only digging […]
Yew Losing Needles
Question: Three of my yews, two Brownii and one spreading, have turned brown on the inside of the plant. This condition is not visible unless the foliage is separated for inspection. Please advise cause and cure for this condition. FB, Illinois Answer: The browning of the foliage on the inside of the vase shaped yews, […]
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