Question: I would like to know how to get seeds of the gas plant to grow. Three of us have tried, but none of the seeds ever grow. I have a pink and a white plant and would like several more. IF, Minnesota Answer: Gas plant, dictamnus, is best grown by sowing the seeds directly […]
Magnolia – The Litter Bug
Question: We have a very old magnolia tree which we want to keep. It sheds leaves all the time which make quite a litter over the grass. Is there something that could be done? It is a very tall, large tree and we would hate to cut it down. KG, Indiana Answer: If this is […]
Sprouting Petunia Seeds
Question: I have trouble getting petunia seeds to germinate when planted in the spring. I have been told that I could have fine plants from seeds sown in the fall in a cold frame and covered with straw. Can you tell me about this practice and perhaps suggest other seeds that could be sown? JL, […]
Dodder The Parasitic Annual
Question: Dodder, a twining, yellow, parasitic vine has ruined my mums. What can be done to control it? FM, Missouri Dodder is a very frustrating pest. It is a parasitic annual and to keep it from seeding every bit of it should be removed and destroyed. Often parts of the host plant may have to […]
Increasing Soil Acidity
Question: We have two blueberry bushes that were purchased from a nursery. We are using them as part of the foundation planting and understand something is needed to keep the soil acid. Sweet pickle juice and diluted vinegar have been recommended, but so far we have been reluctant to try it. EL, Minnesota. Answer: Soil […]
Does Rock Salt Hurt Plants?
Question: Is rock salt harmful to the grass and shrubs that border walks? ED, Colorado Answer: A moderate amount of rock salt used on walks and drives in winter will be dissipated by melting snow and rain and do no damage. Any heavy concentration of salt in the soil moisture will not be tolerated by […]
Best Sand For Rooting Cuttings
Question: What kind of sand should be used for rooting cuttings and potting? The sand from the lumber yard has many pebbles in it. Should it be put through a screen? FB, Illinois Answer: The two main requirements for sand used in rooting cuttings are cleanliness and coarseness. Wash the sand before using it by […]
Moving Boysenberry Plants
Question: We have just bought a home in the country with small acreage. Far in the back of the lot we have found about 50 boysenberry plants, neglected and uncared for. Can you tell us when the best time is to transplant them, and what type of cultivating care should they have? RF, Ohio Answer: […]
Over-Worked Amaryllis
Question: We give our amaryllis plant food dissolved in water every other week and it has bloomed three times in ten months. But, the leaves are 42 inches long and so floppy we have to tie them up. What is wrong with them? JJ, Mich. Answer: Your amaryllis is unusual in flowering so often within […]
Geranium Stem Black
Question: My geranium plant died because the main stem became black from the bottom up. What caused this and what can be done about it? JK, Conn. Answer: Often a disease known as “blackleg” attacks geraniums while they’re rooting. Rotting of the stem on an established plant seems to indicate excessive watering. The geranium needs […]
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