Summary: Begonias are one garden plant that will thrive in shady spots found in every garden, when other plants will not thrive under those conditions. What will you plant under high-branched trees or on the north side of your house reached only by morning sunlight? What you need is a plant that likes semi-shade, and […]
Hardy Begonia For The Landscape – Begonia Evansiana
A “Hardy Begonia” is somewhat of a misnomer for the small-flowered, tuberous-rooted Begonia plant we call Begonia evansiana. This Asiatic species, known to the Chinese for centuries as Tsou Hoy Tong, was used as a motif both by the Chinese and the Japanese in decorating china, fans and silks. When first noticed by botanists, it […]
Begonia Hybrids Are Garden Plants
It seems that most flower growers, whether they are house plant enthusiasts or not, consider the many varieties of begonias to be pot plants. Even those who have grown them in water, or in window boxes, may not have considered their many possibilities as garden plants. However, I had my greatest success with these everblooming, […]