Question: We would like to grow some lilies in our rock garden, which varieties are best suited to rock garden culture? Beverly, Goldsboro, North Carolina Answer: Beverly, there are a few lily varieties to use in rock gardens. Here, the smaller, shorter-stemmed varieties, such a Lilium amabile, L. cernuum, L. concolor, L. rubellum, L. maculatum […]
Tulip Planting Plans
Tulips are among the most brilliant and most cheerful of spring flowering plants. Fortunately, too, they are among the easiest to work with in the creation of artistic landscape effects. If you buy top grade bulbs and follow a practical plan when you plant them this fall, tulips just can’t disappoint you. Check out ==>> […]
Lilies For Beauty And Symbolism
Lilies plant them this fall for a stately garden display next summer and many seasons to come.
How To Grow Potted Lilies
Question: I would like to grow some lilies in pots so they can be moved around on our patio and terrace or even the front porch when they are in flower. What is the best way to grow them in pots? Shelia, Chilhowee, Tennessee Answer: Shelia, the lily’s needs are no different from those of […]
Fall Is Planning Time For Tulip Time
Fall means time for all far-sighted gardeners to plant hardy bulbs for spring beauty. The cheery tulip is a year-in and year-out favorite. There is a place in every garden for some of these colorful flowers, so plan your Tulip Time picture now. Of course you’ll want strong, healthy bulbs for sturdy flowers. Before they […]
Garden Miniatures – Small Bulbs With BIG Charm
Not everyone is impressed by large and showy, we all love the small and charming. The hoop-petticoat daffodil an bring one to their knees. The elegant tree peonies are admired but one stops for the tiny blue-and-white-striped tassels of Puschkinia scilloides – and treat them like little jewels. Let’s look at some garden miniatures.
Peruvian Lilies With 50 Inch Stem
I wanted to share my experience in growing Peruvian lilies as I found the article – Falling For Peruvian Lily blooms amusing. I have been growing Peruvian lilies for about five years and they have flowered regularly every year. I read that they shouldn’t be chilled in storage so I keep the bulbs in a […]
How to Have a Border Full of Spring Flowers
Staging a continuous and satisfactory display of bloom in the perennial border poses the same kind of problem to the gardener as the presentation of a “hit” show does to a Broadway producer. The producer’s problem is to open the show with a magnificent display of color and song and then arrange things so that […]
Give Your Daffodils a Natural Setting
The technically minded say narcissus, the more poetically inclined say daffodil, and there are those, too, who prefer jonquil to either. But whatever name they use they all have in mind the loveliest of all the harbingers of spring. As to the correctness of names, narcissus is the correct botanical or Latin name for the […]
Highlight Your Garden with Lilies
Most gardeners tend to concentrate their flowering plants and bulbs in perennial borders, and this is a natural tendency since that is what borders are for. However, when it comes to lilies, they are essentially plants best considered in terms of the over-all garden, rather than as part of the border. Use them as you […]
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