Remarkable things are happening in the world of chrysanthemums? Until recently, the growing of giant chrysanthemums was something only for the expert. Greenhouses were required, or at least frames where the plants could be sheltered from the frosts and shaded with black cloth to bring them into bloom early. Now, with the introduction of early-blooming, […]
Progress and Prospects Chrysanthemums for the North
Gardeners in such states as Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and one or two of their near neighbors, formerly had difficulty in planning their gardens so they were full of bloom in the late Summer and early Fall months. The fact was impressed on me during a trip to the East in late Summer a […]
Chrysanthemums – Time To Get Mums
Now is the time to order some of the colorful mums you expect to carry into the house by the armful this fall. After checking notes and evaluating the merits of some of the newer chrysanthemums, we can’t help going back to the old standbys we know will withstand our changeable winters. Completing transplanting of […]
This Year Grow Quality Mums
Even though fall is months away, it’s not too soon to start working for top quality chrysanthemums to brighten up borders or foundation plantings. Regardless of the number of plants grown, or whether the grower is a mum specialist or not, the aim should be for the best flowers possible. Quality blooms are more appealing […]
For Fall Enjoyment plant Chrysanthemum now
Enjoying your garden is more than a spring or summer pastime. The golden days of September and October are among the most inviting for both working in the garden and just relaxing in comfortable outdoor furniture. And who wouldn’t want to recline amid this rich harvest of autumn foliage and bright chrysanthemums? To enjoy hardy […]
Mums Cutting
The practice of growing chrysanthemums from stem cuttings, long favored by nurserymen, has been enjoyed by home plant growers for decades. When we follow the more familiar method of propagating young plants from root divisions, we dig old plants in the spring and from the slowly dying stumps cut off the branching root stems, each […]