Step #1 Iris flower best if clumps are lifted and divided every four or five years. This is done in July. Step #2 Cut foliage to 8 inches and divide rhizomes to allow two or three fans of leaves to each piece. Step #3 Replant four or five divisions of a kind 6 to 10 […]
Dwarf Iris – Indispensable Garden Members
Summary: Dwarf iris are indispensable in the garden. Hardy, modest care needs, low height and early bloom, make them favored members to fill the gap for plants of dwarf stature. Dwarf iris have an indispensable place in our gardens. Their low height, early bloom, hardiness and modest cultural needs make them favored members of the […]
Butterfly Iris
Summary: The butterfly iris is often tucked away in forgotten corners of many gardens. Given little attention and care, the butterfly iris plant faithfully reward their owners with a short but glorious period of bloom every spring. For decades, the butterfly iris, or spuria, iris has been the neglected member of the iris family. But […]
Beautiful Iris are Healthy Iris… Keep Them That Way Part #2
In part 1 on Beautiful and healthy Iris we talked about pest control on Iris now we will look at diseases on flowering Iris plants. Iris Diseases Leafspot is the most prominent, though not the most destructive, fungus disease of iris. Brown, more or less circular spots appear mostly on the upper portions of the […]
Forcing Dwarf Iris
Early March thaw last year provided the idea and opportunity to dig clumps of dwarf irises to force into bloom for an April garden club arrangement. I chose a little favorite of mine with soft blue flowers, and a taller yellow iris having larger blooms, of soft clear color. Large clumps of the irises were […]