A fall and winter coldframe activity making a comeback in many parts of the country is the growing of sweet violets (Viola odoerata). Requiring cool nights and sunny days, violets are well suited to coldframe gardening. The temperature can drop as low as 45° in fall and lower in winter without damage to plant.S or […]
Coldframe Gardening In May
Summary: Coldframes during May should be filled to capacity with tender material awaking final planting-out in the garden. However, over a greater portion of the area, May will see the end of this phase of coldframe gardening. Hardy and semi-hardy annuals and vegetables should all be in the garden by this time the final planting-out […]
Coldframe Gardening And Warmer Longer Days
The relationship between coldframes and gardens increases as the days become longer and the sun warmer. In fact, the chief purpose of the coldframe in spring is to prepare plants for outdoor conditions. Once they recover from the initial transplanting within the coldframe, hardier plants, such as cabbage and broccoli, should be gradually given full […]
Cold Frame Designs And Hotbeds
Question: What is the difference between a cold frame and hotbed for the garden. My husband says we need a coldframe and I say hotbed. I’m not sure if they are the same thing or not. All I know is that they are suppose to extend the growing season. Lil, Rochester, NY Answer: The place […]
Coldframe Gardening
Coldframe gardening allows you to get a head start on spring by adding heating equipment to your coldframe this month. Any one of several methods of supplying heat will turn your coldframe into a hotbed. Both a coldframe and a hotbed are constructed in the same way but they are set up and operated differently. […]