The common garden flowers “beloved,” according to many garden books, “by our grandmothers,” date beyond our grandmothers to ancestors far too remote to be included in any family tree. We are never going to know who was the first man – or was it a woman? – who snatched an ordinary flower, a rose or […]
Single Red Rose – God’s Tranquilizer
In days of yore, roses were believed to possess medicinal properties. How true that is today though in a quite different sense. The rose prescription is easy and pleasant to take. Its curative values affect the spirit, also the loving care we give them has beneficial “side effects” on the body – the stretching, bending, […]
Knockout Roses Bushes – Protecting their Beauty
It’s easy to keep roses at a state of perfection. Just give them the full array of the things they need: Sunshine Water Good Drainage Fertilizer Regular Pest and Disease Control Dormant Season Pruning to make Fresh new growth come out to replace the old Winter protection as needed When you choose a site to […]