Summary: The climbing hydrangea has value in the landscape as a sturdy, ornamental clinging vine, slow to start, but once established firmly in the soil, becomes a vigorous grower. The climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) has been growing in America since 1865, however it was not that long ago it was a rare find in the […]
Clematis Vines in the Living Garden
Mention vines and people picture great, creeping things which must be forcibly restrained from overrunning the place. Not so clematis. Unlike those Jackand-the-Beanstalk, Tarzan-swinging imagined vines, clematis is the soul of refinement, well-suited to the small living garden. If anything it appears frail, its brittle stems rather too weak for swinging. But for floral beauty, […]
Clematis Vines for Summer Color
Of all ornamental plants, climbers are considered most valuable. They curtain outside walls and spiral up pillars with a luxurious cover of foliage and often magnificent flowers. They frame garden fences, arbors and entrances and soften their architectural formality. The clematis is one of the easiest grown of the ornamental vines. When well established it […]
Groundcovers and Vines for the Southwest
Try these vines and groundcover plants if you live in the Southwest: EVERGREEN CLEMATIS – This broad leaved vine is interesting used along a fence or‘on a roof gable where its leaves can hang down. Known scientifically as Clematis Armandi it grows to 20 feet in any average soil and prefers a sunny location. Buy […]
Southern States Vine and Groundcover Options
If you live in the warm Southern states here are a few selections for Vines and groundcovers in your landscape. CAROLINA YELLOW JESSAMINE – Is a showy twining vine reaching 30 feet in length with yellow flowers in spring and wine-red foliage in winter. While it will grow in sun, it prefers some shade and […]
Northeast States Vine and Ground Covers Selections
Selections for Vine and Groundcovers for the Northeast: ENGLISH IVY – From Massachusetts southward this plant, called Hedera Helix in scientific circles, is found as a ground cover 8 inches tall and as a vine climbing up into trees and on walls 50 feet or more. It will grow in any good soil in sun […]
Groundcover and Vines for Central States
Vines and groundcovers for gardeners who live in the Central states. WINTERCREEPER – There are two varieties of this broad leaved vine or ground cover worthy of attention. The first is the purple-leaf wintercreeper, Euonymus Fortunei colorata, whose foliage has a purple cast; the second, the big-leaf wintercreeper, Euonymus Fortunei vegetus, noted for its attractive […]
Groundcovers and Vines for Northern States
A list of groundcovers and vines for the cold Northern States: BEARBERRY—One of the best ground covers for dry, difficult situations, this low plant, which is known scientifically as Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi is ideal for steep slopes. It grows in sun or partial shade and prefers a dry sandy soil somewhat on the acid side. Its […]
Vines and Groundcovers for the Northwest
Here are some good vines and ground covers for you to use if you live in the Northwest! BEARBERRY – A low dense mat like broad-leaved evergreen thrives in sun or shade and prefers a sandy soil. It is a native plant and may be collected from the wild; however, nursery-grown plants establish more easily. […]
Evergreens Vines and Ground Covers
Experienced gardeners use vines and ground covers abundantly. There is no special magic involved once you know what plants are available and how they fit into the scheme of things. By way of definition, low plants that carpet the soil are called ground covers and while it may seem almost too elementary to mention, vines […]