A new or remodeled home deserves a new lawn. There is secret tricks in making a good lawn, all that is necessary is to consider the “lawn” fundamentals. Let’s explore them.
The Most Popular Months For West Coast Lawn Making Is When?
Late August and September are becoming the most popular months for West Coast lawn making. Since weeds are the despair of all gardeners desiring a perfect lawn, do everything possible to rid yours of weed seeds before sowing the grass. It isn’t necessary to go to the extremes I did three years before building a […]
Right Start for a New Lawn – Green Manure Plan
An attractive lawn, more than any other single feature, expresses the qualities that change a real estate transaction into a home. Such a lawn, however, does not just happen, but is created at the cost of time and labor. When a lawn looks neglected, it is normally not because the owner does not want a […]
Summer Crab Grass Control And Bluegrass Lawns
Question: Every summer our bluegrass lawn gets “infested” with crab grass, what can we do to get some control of this weed pest? Katie, Dyersburg, Tennessee Answer: Katie, where crabgrass is present, watering should be avoided as long as possible. Frequent and light waterings are especially undesirable, since they do the permanent grasses little or […]
How To Make A Lawn
Summary: How to make a lawn look great is not complicated but doing some soil prep work will help get the lawn off to a better start. Just like remodeling the indoors, work need to be done on giving the lawn a foundation. Question: We need some help on “How to make a lawn”, we […]
Liming Acid Soil For A Better Lawn
Summary: Liming acid soil proves to be a corrective action to help neutralize lawn soil. When soil is excessive acidity it hinders the growth of grass and are subjected to more frequent attacks by fungus diseases since fungal generally grow better in an acid medium. Question: We have heard that putting lime on the lawn […]
Lawn Soil
Summary: Improving lawn soil and the health of any lawn is more than fertilizing grass, watering the lawn and mowing. The health of the grass often depends on what is below the green turf, the makeup and organic composition of the soil the roots of a lawn grow into. Question: We think our lawn soil […]
Power Equipment for the Garden and Landscape
Power equipment requirements vary greatly according to the equipment owner, use, needs, the size and type of the their place and its geographical location. Some pieces of mechanical equipment are of great value almost anywhere while others are much more specialized in their uses. Rotary Mowers Few power tools are more useful to make short […]
Look Underground Sprinklers
An underground lawn sprinkler system can be installed in an average home yard, landscape and garden. In fact, some housing developments provide an underground sprinkler as standard equipment with the house complete with a irrigation timer making lawn watering easy. The advancements in the plastics field have brought about many new types of composition pipe […]
Lawn Program Begins in The South
April can be one of the most active months in the garden. As usual, the various garden duties overlap season wise in the South region. Lawns Lawn programs can easily occupy most of the southern gardener’s time during April. Those who use winter grasses interplanted with the permanent turf should use extreme care to manage […]