Another growing season is about to end in the more northerly parts of our country, and frosts can soon be expected in New England, upstate New York and in the Great Lakes and northern Great Plains areas. It is not too early, therefore, for you to reminisce over the past gardening season and begin to […]
How to Control Pests and Diseases of Lilies
Because of the wide spread publicity some years ago on the high susceptibility of lilies to diseases, many gardeners even now have the impression that the “queen” of flowers is difficult to grow. This is certainly not so. Disease-free and disease-tolerant kinds are now available which can be grown with as little trouble as many […]
Natural Pest Control From Four Garden Friends
Have you ever heard the childhood ditty “Lady Bug, Lady Bug, fly away home | Your house is on fire, | Your children will burn”? Little did we realize this diminutive red, black spotted insect was our good friend. Later we learned the lady bug, lady bird or lady beetle feeds on destructive scale insects, […]
Mealy Bugs or Springtails
Early in my indoor plant growing, house plants then making up my collection seemed to be thriving, but whenever they were watered, tiny worm like objects would jump about, leaping out of the soil in great numbers before they settled back as the moisture entered the potting medium. I watched anxiously, using various well-recommended insecticides. […]
Better Understanding Virus Diseases in Plants
Of all the agents which cause diseases in plants, animals and humans, viruses are the most intriguing, the most baffling and, unfortunately, the most difficult to combat. Like the winds of a hurricane, you cannot see them but you can see the effects which they produce. Modern understanding of the nature of viruses dates back […]
Learn to Diagnose Plant Problems
When your plants look sick indoors or out many plant owners cannot gather the courage or dare to think they could diagnosis the problems of a sick plant. Those jobs are for the experts only. There is a simple and easy system for diagnosing plant troubles. Once you get the hang of it, you will […]